Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feeling Frustrated

I bought myself a new tablet and thought that this would be a help in writing and using the Internet when my husband was using our other computer. Not only isn't the tablet working, but my regular computer is not working right either. I can not get into one of my other e-mails where I do my daily devotions. So I am not sure what the Lord trying to is telling me just yet.

I have always felt that writing the blogs and the devotional was what He was telling me to do so that I could share the gospel and sharing what the Lord is doing in my life which I hopes encourages you in yours.

Today I was able to get into my regular computer to do the blog which I have been doing on the tablet.

Well, I will just have to wait and see what happens. They are fixing my server all week and the sever is connected with the sever I am not getting into so maybe I was just to have a short vacation. But I do miss not writing when I can't do it.

So if you don't see any new blogs this is the reason why and don't leave me I will be back as soon as possible.


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