Saturday, June 23, 2018

Trustworthy Is Our Thought and Word For Today

As I was reading my devotional this morning I came across a verse that I stopped and read no more and have been contemplating it all morning. Here it is: II Timothy 2:2..."Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass it on to others."

This verse is taken from the New Living Translations. And now I will give you the whole thought.

II Timothy 2:1-2
Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.

The word that I have been meditating on is trustworthy. Trustworthy means to be reliable and faithful. If I understand this verse, Timothy, was to go and find others who were trustworthy, reliable and faithful people and teach them so they could teach others. What an amazing thought. So simple but not.

For us today, that is why we need to listen to and understand, and learn from our Pastors. They spend many hours researching the Bible and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach them so that they can teach us.

My prayer is that you have a good Pastor/ Preacher who gives you the truth and then you can share that with others.

Thursday, June 21, 2018


Today as I was reading my Life Principles Daily Bible, which is Charles F. Stanley's Biblical Principles for Each Day of the Year study Bible (NASB), he had a section on Barnabas.

Did you know that Barnabas was known as an encourager? Dr. Stanley states that whenever Barnabas went somewhere people's faces lit up. His presence brought a kind work and maybe a helpful suggestion. His real name was Joseph, who was a Levite from Cyprus, but the apostles gave Joseph the nickname of Barnabas which means "Son of Encouragement." Part of his story is found in Acts 11:25-30.

How about you? What do people think about when you are around? My desire is that when people meet me or see me coming that they too would have a feeling of happiness because I am there. Sometimes I get the impression that is not always the case.

Thought For Today
Let us who are born again have the characteristic of Christ and Barnabas and be an encourager to others.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Jabez-Called On God of Israel


Today we are going to turn to I Chronicles 4:9-10.
    What do we find out about Jabez?            
          In verse 9 it tells us that Jabez was more honorable than his brothers.
          We also see why his mother chose the name Jabez.
                  His mother had a lot of as he was being born.
What kind of life do you think Zabez had growing up? 
We are not sure because the Bible doesn't come out and tell us, but I think maybe it was a sad life. However, I also see when I read the verse that he must have believed in God of Israel. He must have been taught something about him from someone because we see that Jabez prayed to the God of Israel.
What did Jabez request?
"Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!"

That seems like a strange prayer to us but for Jabez it was not. He wanted to have more than what he had. He also did not to be hurt in the process of getting more than he had. 

Did God answer Jabez prayer?
Yes he did. 

When we pray to God to we pray specific enough or is it a general prayer? Jabez knew what he wanted and he just asked God for it. Does God always answer our prayers this way? No, but He does always answer our prays either by yes, no, wait. I am happy that Jazbez prayer was answered with a positive yes. 

How about you? 
What is your thought on this subject of prayer? Should we be direct with God and tell it like it is?

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Exciting Reveal!

I don't know about you, but I find when there is something I can't have I want it all the more. For instance, I am starting a new eating and exercise plan. It is not a diet it is a plan that will help me lose the weight I need to lose and maintain that weight loss. So that means that there are some food like; shrimp, mussels, any kind of shell fish and no beef, pork, or any read meat, all the good stuff I like to eat.

I had the thinking, at first, of poor is me. All I can eat is mostly all kinds of vegetables and all kinds of fruit, nuts, seeds. Which there are many ways you can fix these things to make good meals. I then had an idea, I am sure it was the Holy Spirit directly me to have a new mind set.

Here is my new thinking. Instead of complaining and moaning about what I can't have I am replacing those thought with enjoy what I can have. I well feel better, I will look better, and I will become a better person all around. My Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need and how to go about getting it. I am so excited!

How about you? Do you have negative thoughts about something the Lord is asking you to do? Why not change your attitude and see if that makes any difference. Let me know how you make out. Feel free to write a comment and I will get back to you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and be looking forward to what else the Lord is ready to show me through the Holy Spirit.