Monday, November 26, 2012

Disciple And His :Master

Matthew 10:24 (NKJV)
A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.

Hearing Person's Meaning (Strong's  Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible)
Greek Word Disciple: someone who learns, understands.

As we look through the verses in the Bible that talk about being a disciple, those who are disciples themselves and how they lived, and other books that we use to show us about being a disciple ourselves, my prayer is that we will better understand and learn all that we can and put into practice what we learn.

DEAF meaning (Random House American Sign Language Dictionary
Disciple: is a follower or adherent of someone's teachings:masters's disciples.

Other Words: (The New Roget's Thesaurus In Dictionary Form)
Adhere: cleave, cling, stick
Adherence: devotion, decation, faithfulness, loyalty, obedience

A learner is not greater than their teacher.

Dear Jesus for believers You are our teacher. May we not think that we are above You. Help us to learn how to be a better disciple.
In Your Name I pray this
Jesus Name pray believer understand, learn more behavior disciple.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Book Review: Discovery Guide In The Dust Of The Rabbi

Since this blog is called Disciples Nook I thought I would share more on the book which I referred to in an earlier post called, Discovery Guide In The Dust Of The Rabbi by Ray Vaner Laan he tells his readers on how a person became a Rabbi (which is the teacher) and then how one becomes a disciple.

Education Of A Rabbi is first step as a disciple must follow their Rabbi which is their teacher.
  • Five years old: a child was fit to for the Scriptures. This included boys and girls.  
  • Ten years old: the oral Torah interpretations would be learned. 
  • Thirteen: the fulfilling of the commandments was next.
  • Fifteen: the Talmud (making rabbinic interpretations).
  • Eighteen: the bride-chamber.
  • Twenty: pursuing a vocation.
  • Thirty: having the authority to be able to teach others.
All teaching by the early rabbis attempted to explain, interpret, and apply some portion of the Hebrew Bible. Those who heard the rabbi teach would recognized that he taught with authority. Jesus did become a rabbi at thirty.

A disciple would be those who did not become a rabbi, but they would follow the rabbi wherever he went. Stayed with him and learned all they could from him.

Also we read in the book by Mr. Vander Laan,  what it meant when Jesus said, "Follow Me!" (page 60-Fact File)
  • To walk after was an invitation to join him wherever he went and especially to do whatever he did.
  • This meant they walk hundreds of miles and face danger, difficulty, and oppostition.
  • Often times the men did not know where they were going, how long it would take, or whether they could do it.
  • Through everything they needed to trust their rabbi with their lives without being able to evaluate their capability to do what he asked.
  • They needed to know that he knew where he was leading and that there was a purpose in doing so.
  • He would never lead them into a situation that they, by God's grace, could not handle.
 Today we still have Jesus as our Rabbi through reading the Bible and learning His ways.

A Challange
Our we (including myself) willing to learn God's ways?

How is the best way that you learn things? You can add your comments at the bottom of the post. Love to hear from you and maybe by sharing your way will help others.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Today I listened to a radio program on my favorite radio station WPEL which is located on the FM dial at 96.5. Back To The Bible was the program I listened to. I don't usually get to hear this program, but I felt that today the Lord had me have the radio on at this time.

The subject of the program was rewards. God gives us rewards for doing His work. We shouldn't do His work just to receive these rewards. We should do His work out of love for God.

I had never thoght about getting rewards for doing good. But working for God can be hard work at times.

Now the rewards we receive are not always given to us here on earth. They are recorded in heaven. So when we meet Jesus He will know what rewards we will receive.

Isn't God so good to us?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Listening To Child Play

Today was a work day for me. Around 10:00 a.m. my little story-time girl game in. She came up to me and gave me a big hug. She stayed near me as I worked. Then she got some puzzles out while she was waiting for story-time to start. She would dump them on the floor then say she needed help doing them. Her mother was right there so they all got put together. Then it was story-time.

This week was on Thanksgiving. We had a turkey puppet and once the little girl saw it she wanted to have it. So everywhere we went in the library and in our library room for story-time she and the turkey were together. She got a mat out for it so the turkey could set next to her as I read the story. When we colored she would get a crayon and match it to what color was on the turkey. It was just a precious time. When we did the song "Shake Your Sillies Out" and it was time to clap she took the turkey's feet and was clapping them together.

Later on when story-time was over another child came into the library and was playing in our play area.  She was so happy. She began to sing a song. I am not sure if she was making it up as she was going along or if it was a song she might have learned in preschool. But it was a joy to listen to her sing.

I am so glad that the Lord tells us to be like children when it comes to trusting in Him. For children are so trusting. And they love so easily.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

To All Those In Storm

My area was shown to be in the center of the storm. However, the Lord was good and we did not suffer any damage. We did get a little rain and small winds, but nothing real bad.

My heart, prayers, and thoughts do go out to those who were affected by the storm. May the Lord protect you and may you be able to have your area cleaned up as soon as possible and the electricity on as soon as possible.

For those who are older do you remember what you did before electricity? Maybe going back to a simpler life would be easier in some ways. But I think it is to late for most of us know. With computers, cell phones, and other electronics that are used daily for everything.

Again my prayers go out to you who have to deal with damage.