Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rain Drops Like Glass

The other day we had a severe rain storm. In some places they got a tornadoes. But as we were coming home during the rain storm the other day it looked to me like the rain were tiny bits of glass coming down from the sky. When the hit the windshield they were big drops of water smeared on the window.

Also there was a rainbow which was also a strange event. The rainbow was not very clear as it was in among the dark rain clouds. It wasn't the beautiful colors of a normal rainbow, but very dull. It was also wider than a regular rainbow would be. The amazing thing about this rainbow was that as cars went by us and the water sprayed up off the road there were beautiful colors of the rainbow in the spray of water. It just happened to be catching the sun just right. It was a beautiful sight.

God has such wonderful things for us to see.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hebrews 12:1-4

We had a missionary speak yesterday at our church not to long ago. He and is family are missionaries in Peru. During Sunday School time he spoke and showed us a power point presentation about where they live and what is happening in their area.

Then during church time his message was on Hebrews 12:1-4. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses! let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author an finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross! despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.(12:1-2)

When I talked to my daughter and asked her how her church service went that day she said that her Pastor spoke on Hebrews 12. Almost the same kind of message that the missionary spoke. So we both got to hear about running the race that is set before us.  And looking to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith.

Again I must say that God is a great God!

Enjoy Life-God Gave It To Us

I have had trouble with my computer so have not been able to post as much lately. But now it is fixed so I am back..

Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 tells us that we are to enjoy our life
  • We are to enjoy our food.
  • We are to enjoy our cloths-It is nice to dress up and look our best.
  • We are to enjoy our mate. If not married, but single, enjoy your family times together.
  • We are to enjoy are work. Do it with gusto.
  • Wherever we are, be all there-church, work, home.
(Gilbert Parker's notes 7/29/12)

God wants us to enjoy the life He has given us. There may some rough times that come our wa,y but He knows all about them and He is with us to help us through them.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Frogs Dig Holes

Yesterday when I got out of our car and went to close my door I looked down and there was a deep hole in the grass. I asked my husband if the bees were back. For a couple of years we had bees that made their nest in the ground. To my surprise he said that the hole was made by a frog. I didn't know that frogs made holes.

This morning when we walked out our garage I saw something move. It was a baby frog jumping in front of me. I almost stepped on it. I was very thankful that I didn't kill the little creature.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I don't usually watch TV but being so hot this evening sitting near a fan feels good.

With our TV we only get a few station. None was coming in to good. But then all of a sudden the TV was working. A special was on. It was a special on how the story of batman was created. Most of it was the design of the car.

They story begin because of a young boy who say his parents killed. From that polnt on the boy wanted to be a person who got all the bad guys. It only lasted for a half hour but it was interesting.

Working in a library we have all versions of batman. Most are not for child. Same theme as the beginng story but the graphs are very graph.

As I watced this show it took me back in time when things were so much simpler and we had so much fun. Playing games we would make up as we went along. And

Moths-Moths Everywhere

In my kitchen I have a set of two windows. One side has a pane missing. So around May or early June a certain kind of insect comes to the window. It flies in the empty window pane. Then as time goes by it starts to change into a moth.

The moth when it starts out it is the size of a half of a toothpick. It stays flat against the window for a few days. Then it starts to spread out against the window. When it is fully developed it has such fine features. There is no color but the tiny lines in the wings are so delicate. There is just one problem that takes place.

There are many moths that gather in the window but they have an enemy and that is a spider. Along with the moths are the spiders and their webs. It seems as soon as the moth arrives so do the spiders. Thes beautiful creatures are caught in the spider's web.

Right now it is time to clean up the moths and spider webs.

It is amazing to me how every creature God made is so unique in their own way.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stopping My Daily Devotional-Not Blog

Since about 2003 I have been writing a daily devotional. Up till a few days ago I was still able to put it on my facebook page, my yahoo account, and one of the blogs that I go to everday. But something is wrong with my PC computer and the internet shuts down so am not able to do much if anything on my regular computer. However I just got a tablet and can do my blog. But can not do my devotional.

At this time I believe that He is showing me to stop doing the daily devotonal for now and just keep doing the blog. Maybe later the Lord will have me start up my devotional again.

It is hard sometimes as believers to know what to do. But I am seeing the door being closed on the one minstry. But that is ok. If He wants me tô do something else He will show me.

I enjoy doing the blog and sharing with you how the Lord is working in my life. I hope and my prayer is that He is working in your life.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Book Review-Karen Kingsbûry

I have trouble finding good adult authors who do not use swearing in their story. There are some great writers and their story is written well, but for me it is hard to get pass the swear words so don't finish book.

This is not the case with Karen Kingsbury. The story I am reading now is called One  Tuesday Morning and it is very well written and it is one of those stories you don't want to put down once you start reading it.

This story is a love story and a mystery story. Right now I am trying to figure out who the main character is. He was found at the Twin Towers and he doesn't know who he is. As it turns out he may not be who everyone things he is.

I haven't finished the story yet but you would have to read the book to find out the answer as I not going to let you know. That would give away the story.

So if you like a good clean love story and suspense read this book. There are also two other books in the series.

Happy reading.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My husband and I enjoy book sales and we went to one recently. My husband first goes to the DVDs and grabs them up. Then he will look though them later to see what he wants. Last night we watched a silent movie. It was so funny as they had the same music though out the whole two hour movie. We finally turned on the mute button.

The one movie that my husband and I like is "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks. The best part that we like is when Tom says, "I know you." He is talking to a ball that he calls Wilson.

Then I was thinking about the phrase in the movie and was asking myself can I really say that about my Jesus. I have never seen Him, but I have read a lot about Him.

I think I better to get to know Jesus as well or even better than the movie.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Go To The Ants

Proverbs 6:6
Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

The other day I saw not only one ant in action but two.

I was sitting outside and settling in to read my book. I could see something moving across the stones. It was an ant caring a huge piece of a bread crumb. It was almost the same size as the ant. I watch it for a few minutes and top my surprise a second ant was coming across the stones in the same pattern as the first one.

I watched for another five minutes and the further the way they got all I could see were these two small pieces of bread moving through the grass.

One of the first thing that came to me was the verse in the Bible that talks about the ants. I can say from experience of watching these two ants that ants are not lazy creatures.

Being A Disciple

When I first started this blog I had a different direction in which I was going to do this. I wanted new believers to have a mentor to be able to come to if they had any questions about living the Chistian life.

As time went on I discovered that I had changed the direction in which I was going. I still want to be a mentor, but I am also sharing what is happening in my life so you can see how God is working in my life. By doing doing this I hope it helps you see that being a Christian doesn't mean everthing is going to be good. If that was the case then we would not need Jesus.

So I am praying that the Lord is being praised and that by reading this blog you are being drawn to Him.

If there is anyone who has a question I will be happy to try and answer it. If I don't know the answer I will find someone who does.

So I look forward to continuing to keep on writing on what the Lord is doing in my life. Feel free to write what is happing in your life also.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Guess Where I've Been?

Just a few post ago I typed about you never know what will happen in a day. I mentioned to make sure you had clean underwear on as the saying goes.

On Sunday morning I went to church. In the middle of the morning service I started to get a bad headache. Then I started to get chest pains. Then in the same area in my back I was having pain. So when service was over my husband and I went to our nearby walk in clinic. Thinking it might be from bronchitis I had.

The doctor came in and checked me out and had an EKG. It didn't come out to good. So ambulence was called and sent to hospital. I had blood work down and was feeling better. It was now around 4:00 in afternoon. I was able to get up and walk down the hall to the restroom. When I got back to my room I had the chest pains back and I was sweating so bad that my heat was wet.

I was then admitted and the next day given stress test and echo gram. No heart attack and was sent home.

It has taken most of the week to feel better but I am praising the Lord for watching over me and giving me just the right people to take care of me.

I did go back to work today and did good.

So glad to be back writing to you again.