Friday, September 30, 2016

My Heavenly Father and I

I was suppose to be at work at 9:00 am. this morning but when I got up I could hardly move and I just didn't feel well at all. So I called my boss and told her that I would not be into work. Then I ate a small breakfast, took my medicine, and went right back to bed.

As I lay there beginning to relax and fall asleep I heard a familiar voice (which was my own, (but it is the way that God speaks to me) saying, "I love you my child."

Then from there my Father went into a conversation about telling me to be myself. Love who He has made. Then He showed me by having me remember the fruit of the Spirit. Love, gentle, kind etc. He was telling me these are some of the qualities that I have and always did have since I became His child. He told me that I was to listen to Him and read His word and always go to Him first before I go to others. I was not to believe the lies that people have told me in the past. It was just a beautiful time.

As I said it was not an audible voice of God Himself, but I know when my spirit and His are working together and it is such a soothing time. I know that He hears me when I talk to Him.

Have you had any time when you knew the Lord was speaking to you?  

Monday, September 26, 2016


I was able to go to a wonderful two day conference in a town near where I live. It was a Friday evening and from 9-4 on Saturday. Good food, crafters, and great fellowship with other believers from all over state and outside of New York State.

There were three main speakers at the conference. The first speaker spoke about facing an uncertain future with faith. She shared with us that every problem, disappointment, catastrophic event is an opportunity to express faith in a Sovereign God and His perfect plan. This was such an encouraging message. She spoke of our Sovereign God who has chosen to give us His Word, reveal events He has planned for the future, and how He orchestrates world events to fulfill His Word. She also shared how God uses godless rulers to complete His plans. Cyrus, in Isaiah, was one of them. Also our Sovereign God  guarantee's His promises. (Jeannie Vogel)

The second speaker we had is the mother of eighteen children. Ten living and eight are in heaven. She is only 47 years old. She spoke on the imprint we leave on the future generations. She gave us each a small ball of clay in a small plastic bag to help us to remember that we are clay and each one of us leaves our own imprint in the world. While she was speaking I kept shaping my little ball of clay. At the end of the message it was no longer a ball shape but a square, flat, shape. The thought she left with us was to choose to live today as if someone's tomorrow depended on it. What a precious lady. (September McCarthy)

The final speaker presented herself in such a way you wanted to laugh and also cry. She shared impacting a hurting world with faith. She spoke about Rahab and how she became a believer and it was through Rahab came the line of David. She also shared God's attributes and brought out how faithful God is, how He loves us, and we need to obey Him. (Debbie Scott)

The last speaker left us stunned. Her words were so powerful that instead of doing what they usually do at the end they did different and the conference ended early. It is great when You can feel the Holy Spirit working and that God is where you are.

I am so thankful that I could attend this conference.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Praising The Lord For This Day

Today I want to praise the Lord for giving to me a very good day.

I had to go for a ultra-sound of my throat this morning. Just a routine check as I had thyroid cancer in 2008 and I had a ultra-sound last year and the doctor was making sure there were no problems. It was simple test, didn't take long, and got to eat out for lunch. Also had an opportunity to do some shopping in a store I don't get to go to often. Then I went to work.

I process books for the children's department for a local library. Today I am very thankful that I was able to work in the back office. I have a small counter space where I can work on getting the books ready to be put into the computer and be put on the shelf when I am done processing them. I haven't been able to work out back to much as we are short of people. Today it was not to busy so my co-worker worked out front with the public and I worked out back. Worked out good.

Now I am enjoying working on my computer and writing this post. It is just nice to have a sorta of quiet day and evening and relaxing.

How About You?
Do you like quiet days? Do you praise the Lord for a quiet day?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

He Heals The Brokenhearted

Psalm 147:1-6
Praise the LORD!
For it is good to sing praises to our God;
for it is pleasant,
and a song of praise is fitting.

The LORD builds up Jerusalem:
he gathers the outcasts of Israel.
He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.

He determines the number of the stars;
he gives to all of them their names.

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power;
his understanding is beyond measure.

The LORD lifts up the humble;
he casts the wicked to the ground.

Do you have a favorite song that you sing to praise God?
Has God every healed your broken heart?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

In The Moment

Usually by the time I get up in the morning my husband is sitting and eating his breakfast and he has music playing. This morning he put on a cd that had my favorite person singing---Andy Williams. I sat drinking my coffee and a flood of memories came to me.

I am a teenager and it is in the 1960's. Most of the kids are listening to the Beatles and rock-and-roll music. Not me. I am sitting on my bed with my records and listening to the music of Andy Williams dreaming of thoughts when the day would come when I would have a boyfriend and eventually get married and have children.

I am now seventy years old and still get enjoy the music of this man. You may be asking did I find my soul mate? Yes, I did. We just celebrated our 50th anniversary in August of this year(2016). We have three grown children and ten grandchildren one just starting college down to a 15 month old.

God has been so good over the years and I am so thankful for the great memories I have of my life and very thankful for being a child of God and all the great times and sometimes hard times the Lord has seen me through.

May you have good memories of your life. If you don't...start now and enjoy the moment you are in. If you have the Lord as your Savior He will help you through all things.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Chipmunk Disappears

The other day I was sitting on my back steps enjoying a cup of coffee. I saw something move and turned to the direction of where the movement was coming from. It was a very small chipmunk. It was at the top of the small hill in my neighbors yard and it was running down the hill toward me. This happens often as we have a lot of chipmunks in our area.

Wait! Where did it go? I was watching it closely and it was no where in sight. Then I realized that it went down one of the holes it had dug earlier. It must have been storing its food that it had in its mouth.

This reminded that God knew just what chipmunk would need for all seasons. You know God knows what we need also. I am so thankful for this.

Are you thankful also for what God supplies for you?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

It has been a long time since I posted on this site and I missed doing so. To be honest I had a period of time when I was at the very bottom of my spiritual life. I was depressed, wanting to take my own life, I mean at the real bottom. However, the Lord and my Father God and the Holy Spirit didn't give up on me. Slowly, with lots of help from Scriptures, messages, and songs I began to see the areas I needed to change and also recover from not getting my medicine correctly when I was in the hospital.

I am sharing this because some times the best and the strongest believers at times have difficult times. In my case it was so bad I couldn't even pray. But I have found out since through studying about the Holy Spirit, that He was praying for me all through this down side.

I believe that we need to share these times even though it is hard to do. We feel weak, ashamed, and unworthy. There is a saying that when we are at our lowest the only way to go is up. I believe this and God is helping me every step of the way.

One of the things I was struggle with is what am I to be doing with my life. The answer I was getting each time I asked God was to write.

So the best way for me to write is short articles or in this case blogging is the best way to get across and sharing what the Lord is doing in my life and I pray that you may receive a blessing from them and help you to grow in the Lord.

I like to write things that happen to me day by day and show how the Lord has worked in what has happen. So I will continue to do so. Being a disciples means to follow our Teacher, which is the Lord and what better way then to share what He is doing in our lives and others.

I pray that those who were following me will come back and many more. I do so enjoy sharing the Lord with you.

In Christian Love