Monday, May 7, 2012

Being Positive

I just read a blog that talked about being positive. It is a great idea. I used to be a more positive person when I was younger but I happen to live with a person who is a negative person. So after 45 years it has rubbed off on me a little bit.

I also have a positive pledge list posted on my wall in front of my computer so that I am reminded everyday to have that positive attitude.

When I am thinking positive I feel so much better. When I get those negative thoughts I am so tired and run down all I want to do is sleep. My whole body hurts more and it is just not worth it. So I am changing my ways and looking on the good side of things. God has a purpose for everything. Some things we don't understand why happen, but He knows about it. So we can go to Him and ask Him why. He may not tell us, but we can talk out the problem with Him.

We can also go to Him when things are going good. Sometimes we forget to do that. But it is always good to say thank you for a good day, a good time, etc.

So a challenge from me to you is to have a positive outlook on life.

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