Monday, November 21, 2011

Retirement Time

Psalm 71:9
"Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth."

Some people when they are of retirement age (65), like I am, want to retire from their job and think of just having a relaxing time when they retire. Maybe take a trip by boat or go cross country in a camper and see the world.

The person who wrote Psalm 71 was not asking the Lordto have him retire but in fact--just the opposite. The writer did not want to be put on the shelf or be put him aside but he wanted to keep going with the Lord's help.

That is the way I feel. I do have a part-time job at a library and helping my husband clean a church. I am a writer and love to do create things and do blogging and twitter and read.

I don't think at this time the Lord is wanting me to retire and do nothing but to keep on doing the things I am doing and to enjoy the gift of sharing with others what He is sharing with me.

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