Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Blessing Comes My Way Today

I haven't been able to listen to one of my favorite radio shows on the computer on Tuesday because I usually working. But for the last two weeks I have been able to listen to it. Today was a great blessing.

The program is The Imperfect Wives and you can go to theimperfectwives.net and see what they are all about. Today subject was to live a simple life. That is not easy today. It seems like my house is so cluttered with stuff and also my life.

Simple in the study today means being straightforward, easy, uncomplicated, effortless, clear, plain, candid, unpretentious.  And the verse that was used was Luke 6:45 "A good person produces good deeds from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart. Whatever is in your heart determines what you say." And I found that so true.

There was another word that was use and that meant the opposite of simple and won't go into that now because I would like you to go to the site if you can.

The blessing was for me that I need to clean up my life and have it become simple like it was many years ago.

How about you? Is your life simple?

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