Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Stuck In The Bathroom

From time to time I like to give you a report on what is going on in my life. The experience shows how the Lord is working in my life.

Yesterday was a kind of day that I hope never happens again.

 My husband and I went out for lunch. The first thing that happened was my husband order hot tea without any milk. He go coffee with at least six containers of milk. I got water so I traded my water for the coffee and drank it without milk as I like it black. Next we had the soup and sandwich choice for our lunch. We waited and waited for our soup. We finally got it the same time we received our sandwiches. Usually we get the soup first. My husband got crackers with his but I didn't get any. Finally, I needed to go to the rest room. I got there and shut the door and locked it. Someone came and wanted to get in. I said wait a minute and I washed my hand, unlocked the door and tried opening the door. It would not open. The woman was helping from the outside. She couldn't get it opened either. I knocked on the door and she asked me if I wanted to come out and we tried the door again. By this time another lady had come and she pushed on the door and it came open and I was able to leave. I was so happy and relieved as I was getting anxious while stuck in the bathroom. I was telling the first lady don't shut the door tightly but she slammed it shut. I was thinking she was going to have a hard time opening it back up. They didn't seem to have any more problems  so I guess everyone got out without any more problems.

I am so glad that I could pray that I would get out ok. I kept saying to myself someone will be able to open the door.

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