Saturday, November 24, 2012

Book Review: Discovery Guide In The Dust Of The Rabbi

Since this blog is called Disciples Nook I thought I would share more on the book which I referred to in an earlier post called, Discovery Guide In The Dust Of The Rabbi by Ray Vaner Laan he tells his readers on how a person became a Rabbi (which is the teacher) and then how one becomes a disciple.

Education Of A Rabbi is first step as a disciple must follow their Rabbi which is their teacher.
  • Five years old: a child was fit to for the Scriptures. This included boys and girls.  
  • Ten years old: the oral Torah interpretations would be learned. 
  • Thirteen: the fulfilling of the commandments was next.
  • Fifteen: the Talmud (making rabbinic interpretations).
  • Eighteen: the bride-chamber.
  • Twenty: pursuing a vocation.
  • Thirty: having the authority to be able to teach others.
All teaching by the early rabbis attempted to explain, interpret, and apply some portion of the Hebrew Bible. Those who heard the rabbi teach would recognized that he taught with authority. Jesus did become a rabbi at thirty.

A disciple would be those who did not become a rabbi, but they would follow the rabbi wherever he went. Stayed with him and learned all they could from him.

Also we read in the book by Mr. Vander Laan,  what it meant when Jesus said, "Follow Me!" (page 60-Fact File)
  • To walk after was an invitation to join him wherever he went and especially to do whatever he did.
  • This meant they walk hundreds of miles and face danger, difficulty, and oppostition.
  • Often times the men did not know where they were going, how long it would take, or whether they could do it.
  • Through everything they needed to trust their rabbi with their lives without being able to evaluate their capability to do what he asked.
  • They needed to know that he knew where he was leading and that there was a purpose in doing so.
  • He would never lead them into a situation that they, by God's grace, could not handle.
 Today we still have Jesus as our Rabbi through reading the Bible and learning His ways.

A Challange
Our we (including myself) willing to learn God's ways?

How is the best way that you learn things? You can add your comments at the bottom of the post. Love to hear from you and maybe by sharing your way will help others.

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