Saturday, August 4, 2012


In yesterdays post I referred to our community having a Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally. For you who may not know what a spiedie is here is a little history.

The spiedie started out with pieces of lamb meat marinated in a special sauce. Then the pieces of lamb were placed on a skewer and cooked on a grill. Once they were done then one piece of Italian bread was folded in half in one hand. Then the lamb pieces were pulled off the skewer and placed inside the fold of the bread.

Now spiedies are made with any kind of meat and sauce. Usually at the Rally there is a contest to see who can make the best spiedie. They smell so good and tastes delicious.

Well need to go for now as it is almost time for the balloons to go up again. So I am going to go outside with my camera just in case so balloons come our way again.

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