Tuesday, June 18, 2013


In order to live a live of a disiple we need to forgive others as God as forgiven us. Read Ephesians 4:32. This is not always an easy thing to do. Sometimes evil things are done to us.We dwell on them. Does this bother the other person who has hurt us? No! Some people might not even know they have hurt us, others do but they are consumed with their lust and their needs.

Jesus suffered much for us. He died on the cross and shed His blood for us. He forgave all the people involved. We can do the same with those that have hurt us. Sometimes it takes time to do this. Maybe writing a letter to the person or persons involed with your hurt would be a good thing. Tell them how you feel and what their actins have done to you. If the Lord would like you to send this letter or give it to the person then do so. He might just have you tear it up. Either way He will help you through your hurt and pain.

For forgiving is not always forgetting but it helps us to go on in our Chistian life and we are free in our own hearts. What a relieve it is to forgive.

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