Luke 19:10
"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."
As I was doing my Bible crossword puzzle today the first question to fill in was lost in the verse above. It got me to thinking. Who were the lost and how did they get lost?
Those who know the Bible you have the answer already. The lost at this time were the Jews. Because Jesus came to His people first to find them. They rejected Him so then others shared the Good news with Gentiles (those that are not Jewish) and they became found also.
But what were they lost from? The answer is we were all lost at one time from having fellowship with God. We were separated from Him because of sin. But when Jesus came He died, was buried, rose again, and He took away our sins so that we are not longer separated from God.
I am so grateful that I believed the Gospel message and I have God as my Father and I can talk to Him all the time.
How about you? Are you lost or have you been found?
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