Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year Begins

Happy New Years to everyone!

It is a new beginning and I pray that this year my health will be better so that I can post at least something everyday like I want to. Right now I am just getting over a viral upper respiratory infection. I went to a surprise party for my aunt who turned 90. There was about 20 people there and half of us got sick the next day.

For me it was a blessing in disguise. Where I work I am scheduled to work 16 hours a week. I am now a floater which means I fill in for those who are sick or vacation or can not be at work. This means because of the holidays and other reasons I would have to work 8 hours overtime and we just got our budget cut and there would not have been enough money to pay for that many hours. But because I have been off sick I can just list my 16 hours as vacation or sick days and it works out alright. It is strange and not a very good way to have to do it but the Lord knows.

How well do you know your Bible-Fun way to answer that question. 
What I would like to do for awhile is I have found a great Bible crossword puzzle. It is very easy but in some ways it is not, especially if they don't give you the verse that goes with the question. I found already this is helping me know how much I know about the Bible and also gets me thinking about the answers to some of the questions. This help me to get to know the Bible more. So I am going to throw out a verse that stands out for me and see if you know the answer.

You can comment, as there is a place at the bottom of the post to comment. Or just answer it for yourself.

There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was _ _ _ (3 letters); and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.

I will give you the number of letters in the bracket beside the blank. If there is a verse that goes with it I will give you the verse also. In this one no verse.

Have fun!

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