One Of A Kind
Today at work I was going through the donations that were brought in. Among them was this most wonderful Bible. It had a real leather covering, Fine new pages that most of them had never been taken apart it was so new. And one of the nice features was it was a study Bible which had great notes.
I took it from the pile and was looking through it. It was great! Then I thought, "I have so many Bibles at home that I don't use right now. I have my one or two favorites, but the others sit on a shelf." So I put it back in the pile of books. I am praying that someone who can use it to help them grow in God's Word will find it in book sale and take it home and uses it til it falls apart.
I did also find some other books that I liked so was able to take those home. Since I work at the library we are allowed to take home any donations we want. A lot of times I return them and then they can be put in the book sale and the library gets money for programs and special events that come along.
I am so thankful that I work in a library. I am reading all the time and I never know what books I might come across.
I am so thankful that God created people that can write a good story. Also I am thankful for the Bible as that is what book God gave to us to read, learn from, and share with others. The greatest book on earth.
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