If you like Christian fiction stories I would recommend you read Mindy Starns Clark five book series of The Million Dollar Mysteries Book. You can get on Kindle. Or try your local library. They are hard to find.
The reason I recommend her is because she simply lays out the plan of salvation and ways to live the Christian live that go naturally in her stories. She has a series also on the Amish if you like that style better which they too are very well written.
As I am reading the last book in the series she was writing about forgiveness. I don't want to give away the story line but she needed to forgive someone for something they did. And as I read her idea of what forgiveness is I realized how simple, in one way, it is to forgive someone.
In my own life there is about seven people that I need to truly forgive. Some are living, some have already passed away. But in my heart I need to fully forgive these people and let go of my anger and hurt, no matter how justified it is. I need to give everything over to my Heavenly Father and he will and has judged these people.
My doing this frees me up and I can go on with my life in the way that I was meant to do. God had a purpose for me to be born. And all these years I have let these people and what they did to me rule my life. I thought I had forgiven them, but I haven't fully until now.
Father, thank you for Christian authors who know Your word and are able to put in a way that is easy to understand and in a way that flows with the story but also allows the ready to discover things they might not know or might not want to do but Your Holy Spirit urges them on so that they can get things right and live to please.
Father, if there are any readers today who need to forgive someone let their hearts be open to the Holy Spirit leading and allow them to be free of angry and hurt and show them what You want them to do with their lives.
In Jesus Name I pray this.
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