I don't know about you, but I find when there is something I can't have I want it all the more. For instance, I am starting a new eating and exercise plan. It is not a diet it is a plan that will help me lose the weight I need to lose and maintain that weight loss. So that means that there are some food like; shrimp, mussels, any kind of shell fish and no beef, pork, or any read meat, all the good stuff I like to eat.
I had the thinking, at first, of poor is me. All I can eat is mostly all kinds of vegetables and all kinds of fruit, nuts, seeds. Which there are many ways you can fix these things to make good meals. I then had an idea, I am sure it was the Holy Spirit directly me to have a new mind set.
Here is my new thinking. Instead of complaining and moaning about what I can't have I am replacing those thought with enjoy what I can have. I well feel better, I will look better, and I will become a better person all around. My Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need and how to go about getting it. I am so excited!
How about you? Do you have negative thoughts about something the Lord is asking you to do? Why not change your attitude and see if that makes any difference. Let me know how you make out. Feel free to write a comment and I will get back to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and be looking forward to what else the Lord is ready to show me through the Holy Spirit.
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