Just Do It!
Proverbs 15:1
The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing: But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.
Have you ever said to yourself I need to get up and do something. I want to do it but I am so tired. How about I will do it later.
The Bible verse is speaking about those who are lazy. I am thinking about those, like myself, that have an illness which does not always allows one to do what they want.
Sometimes though I think mine is a mixture. I usually have everything done for me. I have since childhood. I was an only child. My husband of fifty-one years tends to what to spoil me and he thinks he is helping me by doing everything. Most of the time it is a help but sometimes I just give up and don't want to do anything.
There are times though that I hear this still small voice, sometimes it is mine, sometimes it is the Lord's, and sometimes like this morning it was my husband saying to me: Just Do It!
How About You?
1. Are you one that is lazy?
2. Are you one that has physical problems and want to do things but sometimes don't have the strength to do something?
If you are truly lazy then the Lord wants you to change. If you are like me you just have to say to yourself, "Just Do It!" Then go and do it. You will feel a lot better and you won't feel so tired because you got at least one thing done.
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