Monday, January 2, 2017

A Quiet Day

Normally I would be working today but the library is closed due to New Years Day being on Sunday. Right now it is very quiet in my house which is unusual. My husband likes music and videos and so either music is playing or the TV is on. Instead, he is doing a crossword puzzle from a crossword puzzle book he received for Christmas and he is doing it without music playing. I just woke up from a short nap and working on this post.

Sometimes I have so much I want to do that nothing gets down. Have you ever have that problem? Today however I decided to let the Holy Spirit have control of my life. It has worked out very well. 

Instead of saying I need to call my sister, I called her. We had a nice talk. Then I called my neighbor because she wasn't in church yesterday. She hasn't been feeling well so wanted to make sure she was ok. As it turns out her car needed a new battery and she didn't get it in time to have it put in her car so that was the reason she was unable to get to church.

As I already mention I did get my nap in. And now will spend time on the computer for awhile then I hope that I will be able to make up a card for my Pastor's wife as she is in the hospital. I like to do crafts so just got my craft room rearranged so can work better. 

The Lord is so good to me. He gives me the strength to do things such as still work outside the home, do crafts, and do other good things. I praise Him and thank Him for this. 

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