Saturday, December 10, 2016

Thinking Back

For many days now I was trying to think what to write. I want to do the Christmas story but haven't been sure how I want to do it. Yes, there are many ways to do the Christmas story. I could just type out all the verses the way they are written in the Bible. That is always a good plan. I could just review the Christmas story and that is alright too. A lot of times there is a certain theme that I hear from different speakers that spark an idea. So far I haven't heard one.

I have two ideas and I am going to do one for today and if the other ones works out I will start the other one in the next post.

Idea One

Old Self
I did not grow up in a Christian home so the things that took place when I was small and up to about twelve happened this way:

I was an only child and I was born in 1946 so I am a baby-boomer child. My mother especially loved Christmas time and she enjoyed buying me a lot of things-especially dolls of all kinds and sizes. One Christmas I even got a crib to go with the doll that year. I remember the crib but don't remember the doll.

You see I never liked playing with dolls except for one. That one had a baby bottle with it and also you could feed it. So what I would do is feed it a flower and water mixture. It worked good until the doll began to smell and had to throw it away. I was very sad.

Another year I got a beautiful sled for Christmas, but I cried and cried and my mother asked me what was the matter. I told her that I didn't want it because it didn't fly like Santa did. 

Most of the time I enjoyed playing with the boxes that the gifts came in. 

New Self
When I turned nineteen I met a very fine young man and he went to a church which preached the Gospel and I learned about what the real meaning of Christmas was and other truths in the Bible. I learned it was the birth of Jesus. His Father sent Him down to earth so that when He became older (around 33) He would die on a cross for my sins and that I could be united with God and be adopted into His family.  So on February 18, 1966 I accepted I was a sinner and I needed to accept Christ as my Savior. I did so that day.

I must say 50 years later still learning and hopefully growing in my Christian life. When I hear some of the older songs like Silver Bells, White Christmas, etc. it brings back some of the memories of Christmas's past but the best part of Christmas now is thinking about what gift I am going to give to Jesus for His birthday and all year round. It is a word from the Bible and I look up all the verses with that word and then think on those verses the whole year. 

Do you give a gift to Jesus each year for His birthday? If not think about choosing a word for the theme of the year.                                                     

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