Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Precious Daughter

I was talking to my daughter this evening and she was looking at facebook and she started to laugh. I asked her what she was laughing about and this was her comment. 

Mom, someone posted this ad. Do you want to buy bone free bananas at .47 cents a pound? We both just laughed together.

I am so grateful that My Heavenly Father created my wonderful, caring daughter Kimberley. 

She calls everyday to make sure we are doing alright. When I do see her in person myself and my husbands get plenty of hugs and she really hates to leave once she is with us. 

I must also say that I have two sons that are very thoughtful also and I am so glad that I have them too. They don't call as much, but they care and love us deeply. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mom!!! You are very special! I'm so glad I have you as my mother!!! Love you!!!! I shared the picture I was talking about on your Facebook page.
