Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Another Good Book

As you can tell I like to read. Yesterday as I was straightening up the shelves at my local library I came across a book entitled Grab a Broom, Lord...There's Dust Everywhere! By Karon Phillips Goodman. 

I took it out and starting to read it. It is a hard book to put down. The theme of the book is the imperfect woman's guide to God's grace.

Do you try to be perfect in everything? I try, but don't get to far into the day before I have messed up something. What the author has to say is that God made us so that we are not perfect. That way we will depend on Him and have a need for Him and His help. 

Since we are made up of dust that comes into play in this book. The dust is our messing up and pieces of us are scattered all over, but God has His broom to sweep up our dust and it is the only broom we will need even if it is a big mess. 

You can get this book on Amazon.com and Karon has written other books also. So if you like this one you may want to try her other ones she has written. 

Good reading. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Beautiful Sight

Last night when I was coming out of church I turned my head toward the left and there was the most glorious moon I have ever seen. 

The big white full moon looked like it was just coming up over the mountain. Then as I was driving home I saw it from different points. At one spot it was high in the sky and it was going upward into a cloud. By the time I got home it had disappeared completely.  

It just reminded me how great of a God we have and there are still some beautiful things that we can see upon this earth of ours. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It Is Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

I am looking up in my dictionary what the word mistaken means. A few words which I found were: unsound, illogical, flawed and misinterpreted.This is what happened to me today.

It Happened This Way 
I was at work and I went into the ladies bathroom. As I looked down I saw a very strange site. To me it looked like a feather, but then again, it looked like the feather had a head. Very strange indeed.

I went out to tell my co-worker and see what she thought it was. She wasn't sure either. Then I went looking for our maintenance man. He wasn't around so another  one of our male co-workers came to our rescue carrying a large tool in one hand and a piece of cardboard in the other to scoop this object up. 

I opened up the door to check to see if anyone was in the bathroom, no one was there, so my co-worker went in, bent down and scooped up this strange looking object. 

He yells out, "Its only a feather." A wave of relief came over me. I then took a closer look. What happened was the tip of the feather had bumps on it which made it look like a head. I laughed and went out and told my co-worker what it was. We concluded that it is better to be safe than sorry. 

I imagine when my co-worker went out back to his workroom and told the man that was looking through some records, that they had a good laugh. 

I used to take myself so seriously, but I now say, relax and enjoy the day no matter what happens. 


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

TV and Radio What Do They Have In Common

James 1:21,22 (AB)
So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble, gentle, modes spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted in your hearts contains the power to save your souls.

But be doers of the Word, obey the message, and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth. 

The Story
It Happened This Way
Sunday morning I was listening to a program on TV with the theme of the above verses. Then as I was going to church I turned on the radio and it was the same message. I was very surprised, but I shouldn't been. The Lord has different ways of getting messages to me. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Special Day

It has been a quiet week except for my back starting to hurt again. But I see my doctor on Monday. I wasn't able to go to my chiropractor this week as he wanted to wait and see me in two weeks instead of one. I guess it really does make a difference when I see him. 

Today is a very special day for myself and my husband. It was seventeen years ago that we joined my daughter and son-in-law at the hospital in order to see their first child born. I was so excited that I took my camera out and was going to take a picture of us together. However the man that was directing us to the place we needed to go said, "Don't you want to be in the picture?" I was going to have him in the picture instead of me. So he was kind enough to take the picture with all of us including me instead of him in it.  

When it was time for our daughter to have the baby we were able to stand outside in the hallway as the doctor did a c-section on our daughter. We saw our grandson just seconds after being born as they doctor held him up for us to see. Then afterwards we were able to go in and hold him after he got weighted, cleaned up, and had his bath.

Just before we left the hospital to come home, Elijah had to be taken down to the ICU for babies as his blood sugar went to low. We were able to see him in the unit. It was very strange sight as Elijah weighted in over ten pounds and right next to him was a baby weighing only a few pounds. He stayed in the hospital for a little while longer than his mom. 

He lost a lot of his weight after coming home because most of it was fluid because my daughter is a diabetic so that is why Elijah was so big. 

He still is a big boy or should say big young man. He is now six and a half feet tall which means he is a half inch taller than his dad. He is built like his dad which means he is a big boned boy. The were up a week ago and our neighbor saw Elijah leaving our house and  she said, "Wow! Look at the size of that boy." She has a son who is a few months older than Elijah. Her son is six feet tall also but very slim. 

So we are very happy grandparents on this day.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Precious Daughter

I was talking to my daughter this evening and she was looking at facebook and she started to laugh. I asked her what she was laughing about and this was her comment. 

Mom, someone posted this ad. Do you want to buy bone free bananas at .47 cents a pound? We both just laughed together.

I am so grateful that My Heavenly Father created my wonderful, caring daughter Kimberley. 

She calls everyday to make sure we are doing alright. When I do see her in person myself and my husbands get plenty of hugs and she really hates to leave once she is with us. 

I must also say that I have two sons that are very thoughtful also and I am so glad that I have them too. They don't call as much, but they care and love us deeply. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Book Review-not a fan.

not a fan.
Kyle Idleman

Did you know there is a difference in being a fan of Christ and a follower of Him? There is a huge difference and you will find out what the differences are if you read this book. 

Some may think they are followers, but they are only fans. Here is a quote from page 31 to give you an idea what this book is all about. 

"Most of us don't mind Jesus making some minor change in our lives, but Jesus wants to turn our lives upside down. Fans don't mind him doing a little touch-up, but Jesus wants complete renovation. Fans come to Jesus thinking tune-up, but Jesus is thinking overhaul. Fans think a little makeup is fine, but Jesus is thinking makeover. Fans think a little decorating is required, but Jesus wants a complete remodel. Fans want Jesus to inspire them, but Jesus wants to interfere with their lives."

Max Lucado, pastor of Oak Hills Church and bestselling author says, "Kyle Idleman knows where we live and where we could live with God's help. His words are, at once, profound and practical. He is committed to helping us move in the right direction. If you need a helping hand in your journey, he'll point you to the right Person." 

This book is put out by Zondervan, ISBN #978-0-310-33193-3 if you want to look it up on the internet or in your local Christian book section. 

Great book!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Proverbs 20:11(a) Even a child is known by his doings...

The Event:
For the summer months I have been working at the front desk of the Youth Services Department of my local library. Each day a little boy named Charlie and his grandfather come into the library. It is almost the same routine; Charlie arrives and passes the adult desk first and you can hear workers say, "Hi Charlie," then he and his Grandfather come to the Youth Service's Department and Charlie puts his books on the table, we asked him how he is doing and it depends on what he has done already that morning. Then he and his grandfather look for ten books in different parts of the easy section of the library. They find their books and bring them to be checked out. The fun part is asking Charlie more question. 

This one day Charlie was in a very talkative mood and was telling us all about his new toy that he has added to his collection that go with his train set. Then my co-worker asked Charlie how he liked the football game he was planning on going to see. Charlie said good. Then his grandfather asked him what he liked best. Charlie said, "The cheerleaders." Of course we all laughed for you see Charlie is only two-years-old. He is starting early. 

The Lord has given us children and you can almost tell how that child is being raised. Not always. I imagine Charlies at home is a normal two-year-old, but when he is out in public he is well-manned and very intelligent. He can named all the states, capitals of the states, tell you the shape of that state if it were on a map. He is around a lot of grown-ups and they are training him well. 

Thank you Father for allowing us to have children and that was your plan all along. I pray for the children of this generation as they have so much more they have to deal with then in other generations. I pray for Charlie and his parents and grandparents that they will continue to try to help Charlie learn good things and that you would keep him safe from all the garbage that is out there in the world.