Week 12-Size of a plum and is about 2.1 inches long and Jesus weighs about 49 ounces. He has all most all His parts and it is just a matter of keep growing.
Week 13-Size of a peach and is about 2.9 inches long and now 8.1 ounces. His head 1/3 size of His body. His vocal cords are forming and also his fingerprints. His intestines moving from the umbilical cord into their permanent place in His tummy.
Week 14-Size of a lemon and is 3.4 inches and weighs 1.5 ounces. Almost doubled in weight since last week. Jesus maybe sucking His thumb and wiggling His toes. His kidneys are making urine, and His liver and spleen are doing their jobs too. He is growing a thin, peach-fuzzy like hair all over His body. This will help Him keep warm!
Mary is now over the morning sickness but now has gone into a hunger overdrive. I wonder what she wanted to eat?
Week 15-Size of a navel orange. Now average weight of Jesus is 2.5 ounces and He is about 4 inches long. His legs out measures His arms. He is now squirming a lot. Jesus may be hiccuping and His joints and limbs can all move .
Week 16-Size of an avocado and is about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. Now Jesus listens to His mother's voice which He can hear because of His tiny bones forming in His ears. Hair, lashes, and eyebrows are growing. He is now forming His taste buds.
Mary at this time may feel Jesus moving.
Week 17-Size of an onion. Now Jesus is about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces. his rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone. this is where Jesus is getting fat on His bones. The more He grows the thicker His umbilical cord becomes.
Mary is now experiencing rapid weight gain.
Week 18-Size of a sweet potato. Now can weigh as much as 6.7 ounces and is about 5.6 inches long. He now can yawn, hiccup, suck, and swallow. He is twisting, rolling, punching and kicking.
Mary might be able to feel Jesus doing these things.
Week 19-Size of a mango. 6.0 inches long weighing about 8.5 ounces. Jesus would now be developing a protective coating over His skin. It's greasy and white. His nerve cells for His sense of taste, hearing, sight, and smell are developing in His brain.
Mary is now mid-term of her pregnancy.
Week 20-Size of a banana. 10.2 ounces and measure now about 6.5 inches. His taste buds are working and He is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day.
Week 21-Size of a pomegranate. Is now 10.5 weighs about 20.8 ounces. Digestive system is developing.
Week 22-Size of a papaya. Now is 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.
Mary is starting to get stretch marks.
Week 23-Size of a grapefruit and is weighing about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. Jesus is getting ready to be born. Face is formed and needs a little more fat to fill out. Jesus is now listening to His mother's voice and can hear her heartbeat. Also can hear noises outside of His mother.
Week 24-Size of a cantaloupe and is now about 10.5-11.8 inches long and weighs 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. Skin is becoming more opaque and pink in color.
That is the information for today. Again is is amazing to me how wonderfully we are made. The weights and lengths are different for each baby and these are just a general idea. But I can imagine how cramped Jesus must have felt.
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