It has been awhile since I have written. When I first started this blog I wanted to write everyday. But like haiku poetry, I don't always seem to find a subject that seems to fit. My life is a quiet life, well somewhat, and I don't what I have to share with you would be interesting. Then as I was doing my daily devotions today I read Proverbs 27;19 which says, As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.
( NLT)
I began to think about that a little more and decided that everyday is a day in which I can praise the Lord for something. And this would show my heart condition as being thankful.
Today it is the weather. Right now there is sunshine and no rain. Some places have been hit very hard with storms. I have been sick for the last two days, but praise the Lord I am doing better today and should be able to go to work tomorrow. I have found a great new hobby for me and that helps me to relax and stay calm as I have problems doing that. The hobby I found blends in with other things that I do. So it is all working together for good.
I have this blog in which I can talk to you and pray for you even though I don't know you I can pray that the Lord will continue to be with you if you are His. Give you strength and courage to face what you have to face for today. If you are not a child of God I can pray for you also that you will discover who Christ is and what He has done for you. He died for you, He was buried, and He rose again. Then He went back to heaven and is with His Father and preparing a place for you and me and will return again to take us home!
So I am praying that you all have a great day. And just take time and reflex on your own life and see how your heart is. Is it happy and you are showing it to others in a good way. Or is your heart in an angry mood or your unhappy. Is your life showing that also. Think also all that the Lord has done for you. And that should help you to sing with joy! Maybe your going through tough times. You can be sure that God is with You and He will help you through it.
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