Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Surprise Surgery

My daughter and I are very close. She usually calls me around 9:00 a.m. in the morning and we talk for awhile. She calls to see how we are doing and what is going on in our lives. Well on Tuesday of this week (10/9/12) she didn't call. I thought that was a little strange, but maybe she had somewhere she had to go that she hadn't planned on. 

I went to the program on the computer that we usually listen to. If she is on she posted comments about the program. She wasn't there either. Again I thought it was strange. Then when the program was over at eleven she called.

I asked her how she was doing. And she said she was fine, but one of my grandson's wasn't doing well. So of course I started thinking all kinds of things a grandma might think about. My daughter told me that her nine-year-old son, when he got up for school wasn't feeling well. He had a sideache and then was getting sick along with it. She called the doctor and my grandson got into the office right away. Once the doctor pressed on my grandson's stomach and side he ordered a ct-scan. It turned out to be a accute appendicitis. They took him right over to the emergency room and waited for a surgeon to become available to do surgery and remove the appenicitics out. 

At 1:30 my daughter called back and they found a surgeon and he was just going down for surgery. She called me back at 3:30 and he was in the recovery room and the surgery went well. This morning she called and said that my grandson would not be going home today because he had a slight fever and they took another ct-scan and found he was very inpacted. So he was drinking a lot of prune juice today. Also his potassium was low so they put an IV in him.

I just talked to my other grandson and he said the fever is gone and the IV is out.  For the most part he is doing well. My daughter was hoping that they get him up and have him walk around a little so that maybe he could go home tomorrow. But I will know later what they have done.

As I was doing my devotional yesterday I came upon Psalm 27:14, "Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, on the LORD."  What a perfect verse for the day. 

So again I will say, we never know what is going to happen in a day. It is so good to have Scriptures and the Lord to turn to.

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