Saturday, June 30, 2012

Murmuring That A Good Thing

Every since I got my new tablet it seems everything has gone wrong with my regular computer or with the tablet. I get the blog all done and the battery runs out and can't post it. That is what happened yesterday. Today on my regular computer I couldn't get into one of my accounts. Then I feel like the people of Israel when after the Lord did something great for them and three days later they had no water they began to murmur to Moses, "What are we going to drink."

Do you murmur when things don't go your way? I know I do as I just mentioned.

Here is my devotional that I wrote for today.

Exodus 15: 1, 23,24
Then san Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into ther wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water.

And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah.

And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?

One minute the people are praising the Lord and singing a song about Him and they are so happy. They were free from the enemy. Then three days later when things got tough they began to murmure to Moses. We have no water. Moses was beside himself.

I know sometimes I see the Lord doing great things in my life then when something doesn't go my way or am having problems in some area of my life I cry out, "Why Lord." I forget that He will show me what to do or provide what I need.

We are such a needy people but we don't want to admit it sometimes.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement of being a needy person?

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Long Walk

This morning as I was eating my breakfast I was also listening to a tape. There was a lot of questions going through my mind. The only way I can think things through is by taking a walk.
So after breakfast, I got everything I needed to get ready for my walk and started on my way. It was around 8:30.                                                                         
I love walking in my area as I grew up across the street from where I lived. So as I walk around the block it brings lots of good memories back. Today
however, I was going to be working on the questions going through my mind.

The first one that I needed to work on was to find out what is real love. That took me half way around the block, one side street, up a hill to our main road and starting down another side street before I got the answer. With that one settled now I only had six more questions to work out. Actually it was God and I working them out together. 
By the time that I got all my questions answered I arrived back home around 10:00. Even though I got the answers to my questions, I now need to remember the answers and put into practice what I learned-which will take me a life time to do.

How about you? What helps you get the answers to your questions you have?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Quiet Evening

In our area it is a nice and beautiful evening. It is a little warm,but a pleasant night to sit out doors. So got my loungs chair, my yarn and placed my chair on our small patio and settled in and started my crochet project.

As I was croching I was looking again at the small hill across the river. I was also listening to all the sounds of the evening. The birds were starting to say their good night to each other. I love to hear the birds first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. I am so thankful to have a nice place to live.

Right now I feel lead to pray for all those who lost their homes to the wildfire and also pray for those going though the storm in Florida.

Dear Heavenly Father, as I am enjoying my night,as others are who are reading this, we know that You have allowed the fires and the storm. Many people have lost everthing. Be with those who belong to You and just wrap Your arms around them. And those that don't know You that they may learn about You and how You are with Your children in all things. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Mystery Sound-Poem

The Mystery Sound
As I sit typing
against the wall
I hear a noice
which sounds like a
small creature running back and forth
across the floor.

I can not see it
as it is on the other side of the wall
but the sound is spooky and I want
to leave.

I stay-it goes.
No more sounds
coming through the wall.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Exodus 12

Israelites Fleeing Egypt-Passover Night

I am in a group called Read The Bible and we are reading in the book of Exodus right now. I know you may be saying I have already that book so many times. But the strange think about reading the Bible is that you could read the same passage every day and still get something new from it.

Today I was reading about the Passover in chapter 12. And to me it was great reading. There are some things I didn't know about.

  • The month of the Passover became the first month of the Jewish calendar.

  • They had to wear their traveling cloths and also carried their extra clothes and kneadingtroughts on their shoulders.

  • As the people left they asked the Egyptians for their clothing and gold and silver so they spoiled or plundered the Egyptian people and they didn't even know it.
So if you have an opportunity to read the whole chapter it would beneficial to you. There were some other things that also caught my eye and the standards that the Lord set up for this feast.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Take As Each Day Comes

We never know what is going to happen in a day.

Many times I have gotten up in the morning and next thing I know I may be at the Emergency Room at the hospital with chest pains. Which is not unusual. But when they have me stay in the hospital, then that is different.

And then when they give me all kinds of test for the chest pain that is even more unusual. In this one case it was not a heart problem, which I am thanking the Lord, but I am on medication for a fast pause. Which just the other night it was 124. So I have to keep taking the medicine.

Also, one morning I woke up and was getting ready for work and the phone rang at a strange hour. It was my daughter. She had just found out that our nephew died at the age of 51. He was in the hospital also with a heart problem. He was taking a stress test on the tread mill and dropped dead of a heart attack.

I just found out that my brother was in the hospital and at the age of 69 he had to have his appendix out. He also had an infection. And he had to have surgery also on a hernia.

So as the old saying goes, "Make sure you are wearing clean underwear when you get dress for you never know you might be seen in them." Not exactly how it goes, but I imagine if you are a mother or are now grown up you have heard that saying many times.

So be fixable today. You may never know what might happen. Something good I hope.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Garage Sales

There was a time when my husband did not go to garage sales. But we both found out that the saying "Another person's junk is another person's treasure" is very true.

Today, for an example. My husband has been looking for a tape deck. It is hard to find one now. Today at the first sale we went to he found one. They even hooked it up to show us that it had power. When we got home and he hooked it up it has a great sound.

It says in the Bible we should be good stewards of God's money. So in this case we were. It only cost $5.00.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What A Beautiful Morning

This morning I decided to take my lounge chair, put it on our very small landing of our steps, and eat my breakfast outside. Our backyard is 250 feet and we have large trees, small bushes, and lots of small creatures roaming around. To the left of where I was sitting there is a hill that is covered fully with green trees. And as I was eating my breakfast I could hear the train go by but couldn't see it because of all the foliage.

After I ate I did some work around the house and then decided to go back outside where it was cooler. I picked up my book that I am reading called The Crafter's Guide To Taking Great Photos and I as I began to read I could see something moving from the corner of my eye. I stopped reading.  I didn't see anything.  Then to my surprise a chipmunk appeared on the other side of my chair. We have a lot of them this year, but I never knew that they came around people. But he was just passing through probably headed for our neighbors strawberry patch. He loves to eat the strawberries.

Then later on a squirrel scurried across the lawn and then a colorful blue jay jump off a tree branch.

Isn't God so good to give us all kinds of animals to enjoy, and yes, even if they do eat our fruit and vegetables God put them all on earth for a reason.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Time Is Here

Î had to work this evening and it was very busy. We are getting ready to start our summer reading program. If you live in the Vestal NY area we have a great program for ages three all the way up to the high school age. So come in pick up a flyer and sign your child up for get summer fun. We don't have a story time for the two years but a parent can sign them up to read to them and they well receive a certificate and a few gifts.

Then we also have a time for the whole family to join in and watch different events. In years past we had Bubble Man, the Ross Park Zoo, and many other interesting people entertaining their audience.

I wasn't planning on promoting Vestal Public Library but I guess that there might be someone who could use this information.

Since this is a blog in which I share how the Lord is working in my life daily I would like to say that I just want to thank Him for all He does in my life and I can see how He is guiding my life.

I hope and pray that you are seeing this in your life too.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Things Work Out For Good

 I might have mentioned that I as nervous about having it. I asked the Lord should I take it back? Then it seemed like He wanted me to keep it.

Then last week I started having trouble with my regular computer and was not able to write my devotional. Then on Friday of last week my new tablet wouldn't work either. Now I am confused. Why was I not able to do what I felt the Lord calling to do. Write devotionals and blog.

 I decided to return the tablet. However when I went to do so I was locked into the wireless phone line contract. Now what to do? I didn't want to pay $50.00 dollars a month just to be able to pay a game.

So I went over to the service department and told him what the problem was. First he checked to make sure that I could use the wireless line. I am thankful that I could.

What happened was that the phone l was using upgraded and it did not upgrae on the tablet. So I got the upgrade and was able to keep the tablet.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feeling Frustrated

I bought myself a new tablet and thought that this would be a help in writing and using the Internet when my husband was using our other computer. Not only isn't the tablet working, but my regular computer is not working right either. I can not get into one of my other e-mails where I do my daily devotions. So I am not sure what the Lord trying to is telling me just yet.

I have always felt that writing the blogs and the devotional was what He was telling me to do so that I could share the gospel and sharing what the Lord is doing in my life which I hopes encourages you in yours.

Today I was able to get into my regular computer to do the blog which I have been doing on the tablet.

Well, I will just have to wait and see what happens. They are fixing my server all week and the sever is connected with the sever I am not getting into so maybe I was just to have a short vacation. But I do miss not writing when I can't do it.

So if you don't see any new blogs this is the reason why and don't leave me I will be back as soon as possible.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Book Review-Gabby Giffords

Gabby A Story of Courage and Hope
by Gabrielle Giffords & Mark Kelly

I like to read. And as you can tell by now it is either biographies, history, and how-to books.

This book report is about Gabby Giffords. For those who might not know who she is she was having a Congress on Your Corner meeting on January 8, 2011 in Tucson Arizona. Gabby fell victim of an assignation attempt that left six people dead and thirteen other wounded. Gabby had severe brain damage and she is still on her way to recovery.

This is also a story about true love between a husband and wife. How Mark, who had to go into space, for he was on his last mission as an astronaut. He was the commander of space shuttle Endeavour had to leave Gabby when he went up in the shuttle. But Gabby was recovered enough that she was able to see him off.

Caregiver is also part of this story. And anyone who is or has been a caregiver knows that it is a very tough job under normal times. But to have to see your wife to struggle so hard to just say a word was heartbreaking to Mark. Mark wanted a fast recovery but that was not to come as of this time.

If you think of Gabby and Mark send up a prayer for them.

I found this book in my local library so check yours and see if you can get a copy or maybe it would be on Kindle or another type of reading device. I have not yet finished the book but it is great so far. A very heartwarming story.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

No Crafting Today

Yesterday I posted that I was able to make a paperweight using colored beeswax and my heating tools. It was the first nice day we had in awhile. Today however was not the case. It has been raining most of the day. The was not a total loss.

First I had to work this morning. I got a lot done for it was slow. I was able to pick out my stories and crafts for our summer program. That took up most of my time.

Then this evening I had time to clean my office/craft room. Now I am ready to try my hand in doing some crocheting.

I am so thankful that the Lord was with me and gave me the strength to do everything I did do. I was able to get done that was needed.

Hope all that are reading this are in a safe place. No fires, no floods, or bad storms.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I Got To Create Something Today

I was able to do some craft work today. I love to work with beeswax but because of the strong smell I have to work outside. So today was just a beautiful day out that I was able to work outside.

Where I wanted to work was right in the sun. So I got one of our long extension cords, plugged it then added a multi-extension cord to it. Then I plugged in my small quilting iron, my heat gun, and wood burning tool. I turned on my extension cord so my tools would get heated up and then I set up my work place.

The breeze was blowing and there was hardly any smell of the colored beeswax that I was using and I just melted some small drips of wax onto my title, spread it around with my heat gun, and put a porcelain piece in the middle. I rubbed it until it was gleaming and this is what it looks like.

I must admit it does look better if you could actually see it. It is hard to scan it and have it come out like I wanted to. A little blurry on button which is smoother on the title.

Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thank You Lord

I hope everyone received my blog from yesterday. I have been having trouble with my computer. And I changed the name of my blog but decided that I would go back to the old name.

What I wanted to share on today's blog is that I confessed to the Lord  something I was doing and I knew was not right. Asked for forgiveness and the Lord cleansed me. I asked Him to help me when I am tempted to go back to my old ways because I have done that in the past.

As I watched Charles Stanley this morning his message was on just what I had done last evening. It went right along with what I was thinking. And so I had to say thank you again to the Lord.

Also last evening after writing the blog I read my e-mail. You guessed it. One of them was exactly what my problem was and what I was to do about it. So again I said thank you to the Lord.

So I can say that the Lord works in mysterious ways. My own heart, mind, and convictions, then a blog and a TV program to confirm I did the right thing. Amazing!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I Did It Again

For many years I had low blood sugar. It wasn't bad after I realize what the condition was. I found out the things I could eat, when I should eat, and I was fine. But about eight years ago my low blood sugar and now I am a diabetic 2. I just have to take two pills a day for it. But for some reason I couldn't figure out why I was having so much more trouble with being a diabetic. I didn't even know that it had changed over until I had to have a full check up with blood work.

This evening I didn't feel I should even be writing anything about living the Christian life as I know that my diet is not right. Then as I sat here and praying to the Lord He brought to mind that I was behaving as I always do with authority and having to do what someone else tells me to do.

When I was a child I lived  in a home in which I had to do things that I should not been asked to do. And before that my childhood was taken away at the age of five. So whenever I have any kind of authority that I have to answer to whether it is God, my husband, my boss, I want to do things my own way. For in my mind is ingrained in me that when I was old enough I would not let anyone tell me what to do.

God showed me that since I am now almost 66 years old, have been a diabetic for eight years, it was time for me to grow up. Get out of the mode of that little girl. God is my authority and He is not going to ask me to do anything that is going to hurt me, but help me, and so I have a choice. To follow Him or live for myself. Of course when I hear it put that way I have to follow God.

You see if I did not have God my Father, or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, I would be in worst trouble then I am already. So I need to stop blaming the devil for my wrong doing and face up to it is my own selfish, uncontrolled will and I can make the right choice. Be clean and go on with my Christian life with a clean heart.

Thank You Father for showing me the right way. If there is anyone who reads this blog and are having a problem with something in their life that they can not seem to get rid of help them to see why and then show them they too can make a choice. In Jesus' Name I pray this prayer.

Friday, June 8, 2012

When You Go On A Trip What Do You Take?

This blog is all about taking a trip or journey. When you go on a trip what do you take on your trip? Here is what I think I need for my trip here on earth. See if you agree and if I need anything else.
  • I need a Bible. Why do I need a Bible? It is said by many people that the Bible is the way that God talks to us today. If I didn't have anything else or and just had my Bible I would know what God wanted from me and what He wanted me to do.
  • For me I also need my old version of my Strong's Concordance. With my Concordance I can look up words in Hebrew and Greek with English defininations so I can learn what a word means.
  • Holy Spirit needs to go with me wherever I go. He directs me and comforts me.
  • I don't need this next thing but it makes for a nice trip and that is good music.
  • A great church is nice too. Where we pray for each other and help each other.
  • Also it is good for me to have a good Pastor or leader to help me to stay accountable.
These are the things I can think of for now. I hope you have these things on your list.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Each Day Is New-Taking A Journey

Yesterday morning I woke up and I was so grumpy that I was tempted to yell at my husband. I didn't because I sorta-snapped at him a few days earlier. But I just seemed grumpy all day. I was aching all over and I just didn't feel good. I went to bed at 7:00 pm feel asleep and woke up at 10:00 and took my medicine, put on my PAP machine, and went back to sleep until this morning.

Today I woke up and I was so happy. I was talking to the Lord and thanking Him for loving me and He showed me a few things that I could do different so I could get rid of some books that I have been taking up space. I don't hurt today. I am still up and didn't take a nap today and not I am not tired.

So each day is so great because one does not know what is going to happen on our journey here on earth. Of course on days that we feel bad, or something bad happens, that is not so pleasant, but God is with us each day. He gives us a new day to follow Him and walk with Him and talk with Him and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. I am so thankful for each day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm Back To Work

For the past week I have been on vacation. It was a very nice, relaxing time. The only thing is that it is hard to get back into the swing of things. Today didn,t seem as hard of a thing to do.

I am so glad for my job. My boss is great and caring and being that I work in the childrens department I never know what is going to happen. Just the other day a little one gave me a flower. My son had given me a nice basket of flowers and I took the basket into work so everone could enjoy too. So my flower that I received from my little friend went into my basket.

I know I have already said it before but would like to say it again. The Lord has given me the best job ever.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Got Something New

I have been looking for a laptop or something like it so that I could have something near by if I came up with any writing ideas. So the other day as I was waiting for my husband to finish up what he was doing I went shopping at a store nearby. It was here that Ifound a tablet. It was just what I was looking. I told the young sales person that I needed to go ask my husband if it was ok to buy it. The sales person laughed at me. Then he said, "That,s not a bad idea. Many young couples don't do that today.

I told the sales person that if my husband said yes then I would be back. My husband didn't mind me getting it if I was sure that it was what I wanted. So went back to get it. This is the first time I am using it as I could not find the guide book. I fonund it today. At least I got it to work long enough to write this post.

I say this as it is the third time I have tried to write this blog.

Just one more thing I almost lost it again, but I am truly thankful that the Lord allowed me to get this tablet and be able to use it.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Looking Out My Window

It was a busy day today as I didn't have to work and so my husband and I went to a book sale and a book store and did some other things that needed to be done today. So I am a little later getting this blog done.

As I sit to typing my blog I am looking out my window. Which I don't usually do as the curtains are shut. But tonight they are opened.

The sky is a very pale blue. The clouds are a smokey white and just over a tree top is the biggest full moon I have seen in a long time. It is very pale color this evening which almost makes it look white. Right now it being covered up by a cloud. The cloud slowly drifted away and the moon is a nice round white ball.

I am so glad that God created the moon, stars, and the sun. They tell us a whole lot of things and the moon especially is so interesting to look at.

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Proud Mom

I am so proud of my daughter and her husband. In August 1999 they found out that their daughter had the same thing wrong with her as her cousin had. Which her cousin would have been my Son's baby. Both babies died from ancelphia (brain not developed). Damien would be eighteen if he lived. And our Gabrielle would be thirteen in December.

Kim and her husband found out about Gabrielle early in August that she had the problem. And they decided to carry the baby through the whole time. She was born, she ate, and she passed away about 14 hours after being born. We all got to say "I love you."

Then seven years ago Kim had another daughter. And they found out that Anna had a rare heart disease. They thought she would have to have surgery by now. But Praise the Lord she was doing summersaults in our backyard on Saturday of last week. And no signs of any problems. I must mention that Kim first child was Elijah and he will be 14 in September, Gabrielle, Nathaniel, and Anna.

I am posting my daughter's blog so that you can read what she has to say.