Thursday, November 3, 2011


Opening a car door for me. Opening doors in a room for me. Helping me put on my coat, buying me something he knows that I would like for no reason at all. Helping me with dishes or other house work if I am not feeling good. When we are walking somewhere, my husband always walks so that he is next to the road or street so he can protect me from danger. These are all the kinds things my husband does for me which is showing his love for me. I say thank you and I let him know that I appreciate him very much for doing these loving things and that I love him very much.

There is another person that I appreciate very much and that is God. He formed me and made me just the way that He wants me. And He also takes care of me and protects me. And I also thank Him and tell Him that I love Him also.

It is nice to be appreciated.

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