Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blood Test

Every three months or so I have to have blood test done because I am a diabetic. This morning as I was going to get my test done I was thinking about the Lord and how much blood that he shed before He went to the cross.

He was beaten, scourged, and by when he went to carry His cross He had losted so much blood and was weak that someone else had to carry it for Him.

So I am not going to complain about a small pick in my arm in order to get two viles of blood.

Father, I want to thank You for sending Your Son to earth so that I could be with You someday. I am so sorry that Your precious Son had to suffer so much for my sins and the sins of the world. You couldn't even recognize Him hanging there on the cross. It must have been so hard for You. And then when You had to turn Your face from Him and He had to die alone that must have been the hardest for both of You.

Father, I also want to thank You for the Bible. This is Your Words to us for now as we do not have Jesus with us but we do have Your Holy Spirit and He guides us as we read and helps us to hid Your words in our hearts. And that has been a big help to me as You know.

You are a great God and I praise You for Who You Are!

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