It seems like every time I start up again in doing this blog something comes along and I stop. I hope this is not going to happen again.
I enjoy sharing what the Lord is doing in my life. Hopefully, the things I share are an encouragement to those who read the post. The Lord has so good to me throughout knowing Him as my personal Savior, now it is 53 years. I must admit that all those years have not been fruitful years, but as I am growing older, just turned 72 on August 20th of this year, I truly look at my life and say, "Thank you, Jesus, for being with me all these years.
I have been dealing a lot with many different health issues. The one that is bothering me most is not being able to sleep nights. I just received new medicine and it seems to be helping me a lot by calming my mind and moods. The pain in my feet also has gotten better so that I am not jumping around in bed with pain shooting up my legs. I have cut down on sugar, caffeine, so this has helped in lowering my blood sugar and pain.
I am going to be starting a study on the word slavery as I heard a message on this on Christian Radio WPEL the other day. Did you realize that we are all slaves of the Lord Jesus Christ? I had not thought of it that way but the word that is usually used is a servant.
So join me as we look together in God's Word and find out what a slave really is.
Any time you have any questions or remarks you would like to share just post them on this site and I will try to help you and share with others if you want. I read them first before they go onto the group.