As I was going through my Facebook post I came across one that is from NBC News:
All Americans Microchipped by 2017." By DNA October 23, 2013. NBC is predicting
RFID implanted in Americans in 2017 or are they the mouth piece for the beast?
This chip can track your every move, control your money, control your food and possible even kill you if you don't obey! A number of states like Virginia, have passed "stop the mark of the beast legislation" in an effort to stop this.
They do things (RFID) over time to condition the population into think this is normal. Please understand, you are just a number to the government. A RFID Chip is the governments means to control you for the rest of your life.
The article goes on to say that the NLF has done research into this issue and believe that the RFID legislation was removed from the final Obamacare bill. The fact that such language was ever considered should be disturbing. Will the RFID language be put back in?
To all people time is short and soon the rapture is going to take place and those who know Christ as their Savior will go up with Him when He comes back in the clouds. Those left behind are headed for a real rough time. It will seem like Hell on earth. Things are bad now,bjhousewordsbbj but they are going to become worst.
Beware- Don't be talked into the chip if you are a believer. It has been predicted in the Bible that something like this will take place. The chip will be the number of the beast or antichrist.
Please! If you have not accepted Christ as the Son of God and your Lord and Savior, who died for your sins on that cruel Cross over 2,000 years ago, was buried and rose again and now is back in heaven with His Father preparing a place for you and me. Praying for us. Please find someone you can talk to about this matter. It is very important that you accept Christ. He is the only way to become a child of God and the separation from God be closed. If you do not have Christ as your Savior your separated from God. It was God who sent His Son down to earth to die for us so we could be saved from the death of our sins.
This is heavy on my heart that time is so short. Come to Christ today.