Monday, March 24, 2014

Add On Of My Looking Back Blog

I was sharing that I have another blog. The correct address for this blog is So if you did want to look at it you will be able to find it.

Looking Back

As I continue to read from the book by Mac Lucado  he is suggest that each person look at their life backwards. What you say! What does that mean? As he goes through the chapter he looks back at his own life and lives of others to see what he did and they did when they were a small child, middle school age, teenage years, college age, then as adults. What he wanted his readers to see was what was common in all these stages.

Take yourself for example. What did you like to do when you were very young? Was it draw pictures, tell stories, read and write a lot. Then as you came to each of the ages mentioned above did you still like to draw, read, tell stories and write. Then this could be the area that you are good in doing now as an adult. Maybe you have become an artist or graphic designer, writer of books or article etc., or a librarian where you can read and tell stories to children. This is will your gift is.

He also mentioned you can have fun while you are doing what you like and God is ok with that. Actually He has designed you to be able to do and want to do the thing that He has planned for you to do. So enjoy and don't feel guilty if you want to do art all day. God has a purpose in it and maybe you can encourage someone with your art.

So look back and see what keeps coming up in your life and see if that is what you really want to do and what God wants you to do. Pray about it. See what your answer is.

Note: I keep coming back to writing, creating art, and telling stories to children. So am doing two blogs, one is this one disciples nook which is writing. I do a blog on showing my art work that is called Bojean's Creations. I also write a devotional called Reading The Bible Together which goes out on my e-mail address. And I have worked in the Youth Services Department at one of our local libraries for sixteen years and for fifteen years have read stories to children for story time. I also volunteer at another local library doing all kinds of work dealing with library. I always love telling stories to my own children and even when I was young while doing the dishes I remember making up stories to tell to others.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Being Unique-At Birth

Thoughts derived from the reading of Max Lucado's book Cure for the Common Life Living In Your Sweet Spot

What I gleaned from my reading of this book is that I see  that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God formed me in my Mother's womb. All my days are written in God's book. He knows my temperament, my character, and my personality will be. God even has chosen what vocation I will have. So I must be true to myself and go with what I see that God has for me. You can do the same. Psalm 139:14-18

He knows all these things about you also. God does not mass-produce people. Not everyone is the same.  Let's say if you are a woman and your Mother is a sewer but your gift may be an artist or writer. So you should go with what you have talent in. If your a man your Father might be a business man and work in a company but you enjoy and are good at working outside using your hands to landscape a yard. So that is the way to go. Sometimes parents want their children to do the same thing they are doing or doing something they have always wanted to do and it is not right for the child to be in this field. So lots of prayer needs to go into this. The Lord will give a reward to everyone for doing good.

Parents know your children. I have three myself and I noticed early that our first children like to write and play music so she was encouraged to do that. Our second child was good with his hands and like to take things about and put them back together so we encouraged him in this area. Our third child is an artist and we encouraged him in doing art. Our daughter became a mother and her children are into music and one is into writing. Our son that was a handyman owned his own business and he torn cars apart, put them back together, then painted  them. . He also has worked for other people dealing with cars. Our other son is doing photography right now along with walking dogs in New York City.

So you see as a parent we need to again need to know our children. And direct them in the way that God has made them.

* Words in italics are my own thoughts from reading of the book.

Do you see a pattern in your children's lives?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


My husband and I were talking as we were going to work. We got unto the subject of how each one of us is unique. He told me that the world could not have another me living in the world. I can be very unique in many different ways.

As I was working at the front desk in the adult department of the library, in which I work, a book was returned called Cure for the Common Life Living in Your Sweet Spot by Max Lucado. Since Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors I looked over what was in the book. To my amazement Max said about the same thing that my husband and I were talking about on the way to work--being unique.

In Max's words God has given us a special thing to do and that means we don't have to do everything that comes our way. We are just to specialize in what God has to do, He has given His children at least one gift, and just keep working at that one gift to make it the best way to get the word out about Christ, God, the Holy Spirit and the gospel.

It is such an exciting book so I decided that as I read it I will share with you what I receive from reading it. I would imagine that if you would like to get a copy can go to your local library, look on Amazon, Barns and Noble or other places for a copy of this book.

It is a real encourager and some great ideas and lots of blessing from reading it.

Enjoy your gift and use it for God's glory.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Near Death Experience

I found out this weekend that there are two kinds of a near death experience. The one I had in which I had a reaction to medicine and I was put in ICU unit for six days and the hospital for twelve . Around the third day I began to relax and felt very good and my eyes were closed and there was a bright light. I wasn't scarred I just wanted to keep going. However it wasn't time for me to go home (heaven) yet so I came back.

Now about this weekend. My husband had driven the car out of our garage and had taken our recyclables to the recyclable place and returned home. I heard him open the garage door. He had left the car outside as we were going out later in the day. I heard him close the door and then there was a loud crashing noise. Then nothing. I thought that maybe the door just slammed down wasn't to concern. Then my husband came upstairs and said, "We have a problem. The spring from the garage door has broken and went flying across the garage door. If my husband had been more to the side of the door or back a little the spring would have hit him and probably the force of the spring would have killed him.

I just stopped and thanked and praised the Lord for the safety of my husband.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Chair, A Woman, A Man

Have you ever had a Kodak moment or an AH AH  moment? I just had one and I wanted to share it with you.

I was on my way home from prayer meeting and it was very dark outside even though the street lights were on. As I was traveling down the main road off to my left side I could see something moving. It had small lights. It turned out to be a woman who has a mobile chair. And she and a man were holding hands as she went along in her chair. It was good that it had lights on it as the people were wearing dark clothing.

At the time I saw this moment I thought how kind this man was to walk along side of the woman in her chair and on such a cold night also. It just felt like a very sweet moment and sight.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Friend-Are Like Precious Jewels

How many true friends do you have? I have one true friend. She is there for me whenever I need her. We pray together, cry together, laugh together, and just enjoy each other. The strangest part is that we have known each other for years but have never met personally. We have done all our contact through e-mail or phone. Hoping someday to meet her here on earth but if I don't I know that we will be together in heaven.

True friends are like precious jewels. They are rare and special to have. Sometimes you can have more than one friend, but not many people do. We may have a lot of people that we do things together with which is great, but to have that one special and precious friend is the best.

I hope that you have a special friend.