Sunday, December 23, 2012

Jesus' Life-Birth- Mary (Rabbi Series)

Luke 26-38 Summary- Next time will look at verses 39-56

Again we are going to be in the book of Luke 1 to continue the events of Jesus' birth.

Starting in verse 26 and going too verse 39 we read about Mary. What do we learn about Mary in these verses?

Mary was a virgin and she lived in Nazareth. She was engaged to a man named Joseph. God had sent to her the angel Gabriel in order for Mary to receive a message from God. But when Mary saw the angel she became afraid. Gabriel comforted her with these words, "Don't be afraid afraid, Mary, for God has decided to bless you. You shall become pregnant and have a son and you are to name him Jesus. He is going to be very great and be known and called the Son of the Most High. And God will give him the throne of David. He will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!"

Mary asked the angel how this would happen as she was a virgin. The angel toward her that The Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of the Most High would overshadow her. The baby born will be holy and called the Son of God.

Mary responded by saying, "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants.May everything you have said come true."

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Intro To Jesus Birth

Most of you who are reading my blog know the story of the birth of Jesus. It still seems like a good time to review it.

I like to start our birthday story with the birth of John the Baptist first. Please turn to Luke 1. First we see an introduction of the life of Jesus written by Luke. He is writting a letter to Theophilus. Luke wants to reassure Theophilus about the events that have taken place with the disciples and the promises that God had made. Luke has done a careful investigation of all the facts and assures Theophilus all facts given are true.

First we read the account of Zechariah, a Jewish priest, and his wife Elizabeth. We read that they both were righteous in the sight of God and now is rewarding them by allowing Elizabeth to be able to have a baby in her old age. This is told by the angel Gabriel to Zechariah as he is serving is duties in the temple. Zechariah doubts the angel. Gabriel tells him that he will not be able to talk until after the baby is born. And that is what Zechariah does. He tells the people around him that is son John is going to be a prophet of the Most High and he will prepare the way for the Lord. He will tell the people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sin.

Next time we will look at Mary's story. She also was visted by the angel Gabriel.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Heaven's Child

I was listening to a Christmas song this morning, "Heaven's Child" sung byThe Martins. As I listened to the words the thoughts going through my mind were what it was like for Mary. She knows she is holding her Savior. It's cold, they are in a stable. The shephards come. They realize who Jesus is...but will others know.

Joseph looks down in awe of this tiny baby born. He too knows who Jesus is. What a respondibility it will be to raise the Son of God.This is when his faith would carry him though.

Then there was Jesus. He left His home in heaven to come to earth and be nine months in a womb. He would become human and have a human body forever.

When He became old enough He became the Rabbi that all who believe in Him and leave everything and follow Him day and night. Jesus chose twelve men to train. We read their story in the Testament.

So in the coming year we are goinb to be looking at the life of Jesus and the men He chose.